Pop in Times
The Hub is open.
Pop-in to the Hub on
Tuesday: 9am - 1pm
Wednesday: 12pm - 4pm
Thursday: 9am - 1pm
Always Invited Social Club
Bring your own activity or enjoy those provided. A space to believe in the strength of our children and their differences. For primary aged children and their family.
Bring a plate to share - advise of allergies. $5 donation
Contact: alwaysinvitedsocial@gmail.com
See Always Invited website for dates
What's on
Regular Activities
What's on this week
On Tuesday mornings our creative genius Julie, is at the hub and available to swap ideas and share stories and tips on the project you are finishing, or maybe a vision of a new one. Come on over to the hub to continue your Unfinished Object together. Friendly atmosphere. No project is too big or small.....
Every Tuesday 10am-12pm
Music Nights
Our popular music nights are taking an exciting shift to include instruments. Bring an instrument or your voice for a music jam. Strum, pluck, blow and sing along to all the old fav’s!
Led by Terry Cole. Lyrics and chords provided. $5 donation.
Last Wednesday of each month 7-9pm
Monty Walkers
No cost, no organiser/leader. Just turn up at 9:30am, Thursday mornings at Petrie Park oval. Walk laps on the grass or head off somewhere along the streets of Monty. Join us for a cuppa at the Hub afterwards
Every Thursday at 9:30am
Monthly Board Games
Get to know your neighbours over casual and competitive chess and other board games. Entry is by donation, and it is open to all ages. Bring a snack to share if you like.
4.30-6pm - 2nd Saturday of the month
Let's Singalong with David
Traditional singalongs around the piano with David George. Don't worry if you think you can't sing just come along and enjoy yourself. All welcome. $5 donation
2-3:30pm every second Wednesday
Mahjong for Beginners
Come and learn Mahjong, the ancient Chinese game enjoyed for centuries.
$5 donation. Tea/coffee provided
RSVP : info@montyhub.org
2-4 pm every second Wednesday
Do you want to run community activities at the hub or volunteer in any way?
We would love to hear from you.
Contact Sophie on: programs@montyhub.org. Or pop in and see her at Petrie Park Hall, on
Tuesday 9-1pm, Wednesday 12-4pm or Thursday 9-1pm